All Research Papers/Articles received at the Annual Conference of AESI and those submitted to the Editor-in-Chief directly are sent to the two referees/reviewers for peer-review following a double blind peer review system in which the reviewers and the authors do not know each other. The Papers and Articles are duly reviewed by the two reviewers and if they are found worth publishing, the message is conveyed to the authors by the editor-in-chief. If it needs correction or modification, the same is conveyed to the concerned authors. In case there is any difference of opinion in views of the two reviewers, the manuscript is sent to the third reviewer for decision and that is final.
The Peer-review process usually takes 2-3 months as we receive a large number of papers and have ample time to go through them minutely. All accepted papers are sent back to the editor-in-chief for publication.
As the journal is funded by the Association and is freely distributed among members in the Conference, it charges “NO FEE” either in the name of processing charge or publication fee. All sale proceeds or subscription go to the the Association's Bank Account which is operated by the elected Treasure of the Association. The Journal is uploaded on the official website in pdf and is free for all to read and even download.
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