Launching Year :1940 Periodicity: Annual

Publication Guidelines


Papers presented at AESI (Association for English Studies of India) annual conference are given due consideration, the journal also welcomes outstanding articles/research papers from faculty members, scholars and writers.
Contributors can send the soft copies of their articles, creative writings and book reviews to the Editor-in- Chief Prof MR Verma at followed by hard copies at the editor’s address:T-1, Tulsi Palm Apartment, Dadu Bagh, Near Ramdev ki Pulia, Kankhal, Haridwar -249408 (Uttarakhand).

The editor retains the copyright for republication in e-form or in print but he is obliged to send the contributor a copy of the book/ journal in which it is used by the editor. However, the copyright of that intellectual property remains with the concerned authors who are free to republish them once they are published in the journal. However, they are supposed to inform the editor-in-chief and acknowledge their first publication in IJES.

Authors are requested to strictly adhere to the following guidelines:

Compliance to MLA Style Sheet latest edition.

Paper Size: A4 (margin 1 inch on all four sides).

Full Title of the paper: Times New Roman, 14, Bold.

Main body of the paper: Times New Roman, 12, Justified, 1.5 line space.

Length of the paper: About 3000 to 4000 words including Works Cited.

The paper should be accompanied with:

An abstract in about 150-200 words along with 5 to 8 keywords.

A declaration that “It is an original research work of the author and has not been published anywhere else or has not been sent for publication anywhere. And that it is free from plagiarism; all external sources in the paper are duly acknowledged and documented.”

A short bio-note of the contributor(s) indicating name, designation, institutional affiliation and brief career history.
The contact details of the contributor(s) – postal address along with Pin code, mobile number and email address.